Aug 2, 2022, 2:45:00 PM
Alokozay Kabul International Cricket Ground, Kabul Afghanistan
Alokozay Kabul International Cricket Ground, Kabul Afghanistan
Clouds and sun
Clouds and sun
34% (Humidity)
25 % Chance
Venue Stats
Win Bat first52%
Win Bowl first48%
Avg 1st Inns142
Avg 2st Inns128
Highest Total
by SGT vs BAD
Lowest Total
by BAD vs MAK
Highest Chased
by BAD vs HKS
Pace vs Spin on Venue (Last 10 matches)
On-field Umpire
Farooq Khan, Izatullah Safi
Third Umpire
Bismillah Jan Shinwari